Speaking of birthdays...

Christine has many girlfriends, including Ann and Bo.
Ann and Bo don't know when Christine's birthday is. That's why they ask her.
Christine makes a riddle out of it: she gives a list of dates that contain the correct date:
15 April16 April19 April
17 May18 May
14 July16 July
14 August15 August17 August

Then she tells Ann only the day and Bo only the month.
The next conversation arises between Ann and Bo:
Bo: “Hi Ann, I don't know when Christine's birthday is, but I also know that you don't know!”
Ann: “That's right, Bo, but now I know.”
Bo: “That's funny, because now I also know!”

I suppose by now you know when Christine's birthday is...

If you can't find Christine's birthday, hit the button!